O site “Keep your copyrights” apresenta questões importantes para que os criadores de obras protegidas pelo Direito Autoral – na verdade, pelo copyright, modelo de proteção adotado pelos EUA – tenham uma proteção mais eficaz sobre seus trabalhos.


Ainda que feita para o modelo norte-americano de proteção, várias dicas servem também aos artistas nacionais. Veja abaixo o texto inicial ou , se preferir, veja o site.


Keep Your Copyrights

A creator forewarned is a creator forearmed. This site is devoted to all authors and creators of works in the United States. It aims to make clear why you might want to keep your copyrights, and to provide information both to help you hold on to your rights and to grant on reasonable terms the rights you do license. More at About This Site.

Learn About Copyright: What is copyright? What rights do you have under U.S. law? And what can you do to hold on to them or to manage their licensing?

Learn About Contracts: Learn to decipher the language of contracts that exploit rights in your works, what to watch out for, and what are reasonable terms on which to grant rights. See examples of actual contracts.

Glossary: Definitions of the legal and business terms discussed on this site.

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